Training & Development

With the changing work culture and ethics, there has been a sudden need for the management to function dynamically, in order to obtain the expected results. Wiz Lead acts as strategic change catalyst enabling People and Organizations build and continuously enhance their capabilities through knowledge management, organizational competence building potential development, nurturing the talent etc.

Wiz lead’s training services focuses that most of the participant's time should be spent in team learning rather than in dry, formal lecture. These sessions help participants to identify the difference between effective and ineffective behavior and guide them in ways that help them to change aspects of their behavioral style. We have developed multi-course customized programmes for large-scale rollout to management professionals, sales force or anyone in your organization who needs professional training.

Apart from customized solutions, we undertake following training programmes:

  • Team Building Workshops
  • Attitudinal Workshops
  • FMCG Sales Force Training
  • Performance Enhancement Systems
  • Personality Development
  • Leadership & Motivation
  • Small Group Activities
  • Quality Circles
  • Total Quality Management
  • Communication skills- Verbal, written, non verbal
  • Corporate etiquettes
  • Other soft skills

If you would like to learn more about Wiz lead’s Training solutions for your business, please get in touch with us today at